why the government should NOT being running healthcare. They are not looking out in the best interest of a patient.(note: I said running healthcare, yes...they should put some stipulations on the existing cost/criteria of heathcare) I DO NOT want the government dictating what healthcare is best for me or my loved ones.....
Every person I have ever known of that has been diagnosed with breast cancer has been in their 30's...the most recent 3 were my age(33). A government panel of experts feel there is no need for mammograms until you are over 50???????
Re: Just another reason.....
I know! If you wait til your 50, it will be too late. Sometimes Breast Ca starts during pregnancy due to the large amounts of hormones. If you catch it early you can get rid of it and be done with it. If you wait til your 50...it will have metastasized to your liver, lungs and lymphnodes.
My twisted conspiracy is this government panel wants insurance companies to deny coverage until over the age 50. Once the insurance companies are doing that...they will come in and save the day by forcing the insurance companies to cover the cost of the test sooner.
I'm confused about something though...memograms are not recommended now until you are 40, correct? So given that, if you discover you have breast cancer at 33 (or at any time prior to 40) wouldn't you have had to discover it on your own anyway?
I guess I understand peoples feelings about not wanting the gov't dictating healthcare, but I'm confused about why people are ok with their insurance companies and the drug companies dictating their healthcare?? Somewhere there has got to be a happy medium!!
Ebi - even though routine mammograms might not be recommended until a certain age, if a doctor suspects something during your annual visit, they can send you for one. That was my case, at least.
I don't agree with the government OR insurance companies dictating health care. It is ridiculous. My PCP tried to send me for an MRI because I was having problems with my neck. My insurance company denied it. So instead she sent me to a neurologist who then sent me for the MRI and it was covered. So the stupid insurance company ended up paying more.
Doctors should be the final say in healthcare. And I mean the treating physician. If they say you need something done, that should be all it takes. And I understand that perhaps a doctor is working for the insurance company making the decisions, but they don't know you and they have never seen you. How can you make a decision based off of a report they receive that contains nothing but a diagnosis code?
Agreed! And what can it hurt to do them? Other than someone thinking they feel something and getting worried over nothing, I don't see the harm it can cause.