Central Florida Nesties
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Poll: Morning person or Night Owl?
Are you a morning person or night person?
I'm definitely a night person. It sucks because my hubby needs to wake up early for work and I keep him up at night. I've been working from home for the past year so I haven't had to wake up super early. Plus for some reason my body is just sooo tired in the morning and has so much energy at night.
I'll have to work on this because I'm going back to FT work soon!
Any suggestions on training yourself to wake up early and stay awake?
Re: Poll: Morning person or Night Owl?
Yes...Coffee, lots of Dunkin Donuts coffee!
I am not either. My work days vary and when I am at work my hours are all wacky. Once I am up, for the most part I am up up. Some nights I cant keep my eyes open, others I will stay up til all hours. Some mornings I am up very early, others I sleep in. I have no pattern.
Can I say neither?
I'm so tired all the time anymore. If I had to pick, I guess I would say morning person because once I'm up I do pretty good. I can't stay awake much past 9 at night.
Once you get used to getting up early you'll do fine. It might take a couple weeks to really get used to it.
For some reason if I wake up before 8am by like 11 I'm so tired I'm falling asleep.
Actually one thing that really works for me is Starbucks or Cuban coffee in the morning. Then I'm electric enough to get through the morning.
Ditto here sista!
He he... Porter is training you guys well for parenthood.
?LOL if only a baby would only get up at 6 am instead of every 3 hours I would be a happy camper!
Mine does!
Hopefully the puppy will start sleeping all night soon. It shouldn't be too much longer. Are you having tons of fun with him, or what?
Night person. Hence the midnight shift. Jerry on the other hand is a morning person. He gets up @4am for work.
I will honestly say that It does take me a few to wake up no matter when it is though.
Before baby, I was definitely a night owl. I hate mornings. I would stay in bed until 10 if I could. I am lucky that DS doesn't wake until 8 though, but during school, when I have to get up at 5.... ugh, I hate it! But since DS (especially now that he's a walker/runner), I'm lucky if I can keep my eyes open past 10.
DH is definitely a night owl. He'll stay up until 2 or 3am on the weekends and want to sleep until 11 (yeah right)!