Isn't it funny how mort means death and that's how we spell mortgage.
I got a call today from our mortgage lender saying they can't use my income because I haven't been employed where I am now for 2 years. I don't make much, but it does help out a bit. So I started freaking out because they said that it would be 55.8% of our income for the house (using just DH's income). Which I thought sounded weird. So I asked the girl if it mattered that I have a contract that's already been signed for me to work another year and it shows my raise. She said she would ask.
So the girl calls me back and says good news, DH must have written down the wrong number on the form because he was $700/mo off on what he makes. So, we didn't have a problem at all with income ratios. Also, they can use my income if something happens I just need to give them a copy of my new contract. Few! I thought for a minute we wouldn't get it.
This is really stressful. I have seriously spent almost all day so far back and forth on the phone with the mortgage company and emailing DH all this info. Of course this all happens when DH is at another location for work this week and he's in a closed area where he can't bring in his cell. But I think I got it all worked out.
Re: Mortgage
I feel so bad that you have gone through so much! My friend just lost his deal because the ratios changed on FHA and he can't come up with the difference OOP. What a total PITA. I hope this is it and it's smooth sailing for you from here on out - you deserve it!!
sorry to hear about your trouble and with the closing costs, but as MrsA said things are changing. A bank indy something just went under then there's the trouble with fannie and freddi needing ot be bailed out. I really don't understand it all, but it makes sense that things have changed since your FA worked at the bank you are using. Good luck!! We had trouble getting a mortgage becasue of work stuff too, as I was between jobs, but you would think it is fairly common for people to move for a new job then want to buy a house, but it took forever to get it all finalized.