I am going back to work in 12 days. Our DD will be going to an in-home daycare. I don't think I am 100% sold on the woman and her daughter that will be caring for our baby girl. My hubby thinks the daughter looks like an ex druggie, I didn't get that vibe, but she does seem a little strange. This woman has been doing this for 30+ years and came somewhat recommended. Someone I know used her for a few years and liked her a lot. I think it's just knowing that someone will be caring for my daughter for 8 hours kills me. I keep having all these flashes of horrible things happening. Our DD will be the youngest she has (at 3 months old). I am getting high anxiety as each day passes, is this just first mom jitters? Does every mom go thru this? The good thing, this woman lives literally a block up from my mom/aunts house. I think we'll just use this woman for the meantime, until we can look for something that I can be 100% ok with.
On that note, does anyone know of a listing/website that has daycare in OC. I'm in the Cypress/Los Alamitos area, any recs. would be greatly appreciated.. THANKS!!
Re: I think I need reassurance..HELP!
"My hubby thinks the daughter looks like an ex druggie, I didn't get that vibe, but she does seem a little strange."
That would be enough for me to try to extend my maternity leave until I found something I was happy with.
Either way, GL!
You need to be 100% comfortable leaving your daughter in someone elses care. You will have first time jitters but if you feel it's more than that, keep looking. Just because someone else loved her doesn't mean she's right for you.
http://www.ccld.ca.gov - This is the licensing departments website. It lists all the centers, in home daycares, etc that are licensed. It doesn't give you small home day cares though I don't believe. It's a bit cumbersome but everything is there.
http://www.chs-ca.org/ - Children's Home Society of California. If you call them they can give you a list of daycares in your area.
http://www.orangecountychildcareassociation.org/ - Referral Service
Finally, I suggest posting on the OC Baby board as I think you will get a better response there.
Good luck!
I've never been in your positon so it's tough for me to give you advice. But if there's anything I've learned is trust your gut.
If you're not confortable find someone else. This is your child. Not a pet (and even pets I'm over protective of) Trust your gut - whatever it is that it's telling you. End of story.
Yep, this. Trust your instinct.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Definitely call Children's Home Society. Ask for the Resource and Referral hotline. They will give you licensed daycare providers in your area. They're open M-F 8:30-5:00. They're open tomorrow (Wed) but will be closed Thur and Fri.
Make sure you contact Community Care Licensing. You can find out if there have been any licensing violations at the daycare you choose.
there is no way in hell i'd leave my child alone with someone that i or the hub didn't trust implicitly.