Allison was born Saturday night (the 21st) at 10:28pm. She weighed 7lbs 1 oz and was 19 3/4" long.
I was induced on Thursday morning...and it was a slooow process. I was in that 5% of people it takes the 2-3 days to get anywhere with induction. So Thursday and Friday were slow days with little progress...stuff that would normally happen at home before you even go to the hospital. Saturday was a lot more action. Things progressed pretty well on Saturday, although it could've happen a little faster. Around 10pm my doc asked me if I wanted to start pushing because I was begging for more pain medicine. Once I started pushing I was determined to get the baby out. I only had to push for 20minutes and about 5 or 6 contractions!!
She had the cord wrapped once, but her heart rate was fine the whole time. I had a 102 fever at one point during labor so they had to check her blood for infections. Poor thing had to have an IV in her head to get antibiotics. She wasn't discharged until the day after me on Tuesday. Everything is going well now though. She's just trying to gain weight and I'm trying to lose it. ;-)
Here are a couple pictures of Allison doing what she does best right now...sleep during the day only:
Re: I had my baby! It's a...
My Photography Blog
Congratulations, she is beautiful!!! Sorry your labor was so long but the end result is perfect isn't she?!?
I hope you guys are adjusting to your new little one, We would love to see some more pictures!!!!