Austin was up at 12:30am (although he fussed back to sleep), 3:00am and 3:00am I let him fuss until he started to cry a bit and I got up, brought him into bed with us and fed him....I then proceeded to burp him and up came a gigantic burp....along with the whole feeding...all over him, me and our was quite comical
Oh and another thing about BFing Austin, I have decided not to let him use me as a pacifier and have been feeding him when he first wakes up from a nap ....I have also been watching him very carefully for the change in his sucking so I know when to pop him off....usually it's after about 10-15 minutes, which makes sense to me, because that has always been how long he has nursed before - not this 30 minutes to an hour crap he's been pulling with me....especially where I still have an overactive let-down and can pump 5-6 oz in under 10 minutes.... No more fooling me Mr. Fancypants!
Re: One reason not to nurse in bed at night: Explosions.
Sorry that happened!! That usually happens to me in the mornings after feeding Mason. I don't want to get up, so he spits up on me to MAKE me get up!! LOL!!
Kudos to trying a new way of doing things with Austin...I think you will soon see a difference and probably feel a difference too!