Yesterday afternoon, while everyone was either out shopping or at home recovering from their early morning deals, we went to see New Moon. It was perfect timing since the theater wasn't packed and only one small group of teenage girls that squealed when Edward first came on screen. Overall I thought it was pretty good, much better than the first, and stayed true to the book. I have to say that the winner of the best bare chest award goes to Taylor/Jacob. What the heck was up with Robert/Edward's chest/nip at the end? Even DH leaned over and asked "what's wrong with his left nipple?" My theory is some unfortunate mishapen chest hair, a friend of a friend says he looks like he got bit. What's your theory?
Re: Finally saw New Moon
Ooops.... I didnt know it'd be noticeable. I was with Robert the night before filming.. Sorry girls
I only wish, LoL!