So, a lot of things went wrong:
On Wednesday, 2 of 5 guests canceled on us. Who f-ing does that? I had already bought everything too and spent tons of time getting the house and menu in order. Then, a friend (who I'm pretty much done with at this point) decided to tell me he invited his ex boyfriend to my house (also on Wednesday) that I do not get along with. Gay drama ensues-you can see the link here:
I feel like I was wrong, but the huge big deal he made of it, including some past history, is making me reconsider this relationship.
I woke up on Thursday morning with a pain that I can only describe as being hit with a softball in my right-side bikini area. It hurt to walk, it hurt to pee-I was terrified and thought the worse. It was 4 am, so I didnt think to call my 'mommy-girlfriends'. I just freaked out and sobbed while Tim called the Dr.
Turns out it was round ligament pain exacerbated by the fact that I was dehydrated, backed up (sorry TMI) and stressed. Believe me when I say this was not a mild pain, and I was thinking the worse-this is my first pregnancy, so everything is a surprise.
Dr. prescribes bedrest for the rest of the day-so had to cancel on my two remaining guests . They were awesome about it-said they went to PCG. Still, it sucks to have T-day canxed on you that early! Tim made a great dinner with more help from me than Dr. would like, but I really couldnt sit still!
Friday-feeling better, until we find out that our dog, Leo, somehow managed to get into a dog-proof garbage can and ate the ENTIRE. F-ING. TURKEY-CARCASS. OMG. If you have a dog-you know what a big deal this is-it can kill them. more on this here and here.
Thank god he is Ok now-but we're still not out of the woods until Tuesday I think. So far though, no ill effects.
Sigh. So it was a long 'Holiday' weekend for me. But I'm pretty optimistic, so I took the time to reflect and be grateful that I have a great marriage, a healthy pregnancy, healthy (for the most part) pets, and great friends.
...I just wanted to whine a little. I hope you guys all had a great weekend!
Re: Eventful Thanksgiving. :(
Eeeeek, holy stressfulness! I'm sorry you had a rough holiday. I'm glad you're all on the mend, though.
I know you're not supposed to drink while KU and all, but please tell me you at least got a sip of wine in sometime during all of that chaos? :-p
Thanks Em!
No, I didnt have any wine yet, or even beer. I was so freaked out by the RLP that I dont want to jinx anything. . Maybe in a few days...
Wow! I guess I'm glad we had a quiet TG now.
We made dinner - just DH and I - and ate, then DH fell asleep on the couch. Not too exciting, pretty boring actually.
We have a blue heeler who loves to eat anything he can get his paws on. He's ingested enough wood and plastic to build a small home.
I hope your guy is ok!!
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