So, I have a love-hate relationship with my boss. I can't stand her 88% of the time but every once in a blue moon she shows me she actually has a heart. We have worked together in our small office for 6 years and the majority of the time it has just been the 2 of us. So we do share things each other periodically, but I am always cautious about what I tell her because she is sooo judgemental, etc.
Well, this morning I decided to ask her what the standard was for maternity leave, sorta testing the waters. She looked at me with absolute disgust, and was like "EW EW EW KIDS! EW!" I have always known that she was one of those people who thinks having children is the most disgusting thing EVER. She thinks being pregnant is the most disgusting, worst thing, and actually the thought of children just irks her. I knew this about her but she also has known that I have step-daughters and have always wanted kids so I was a little suprised that she was suprised?!
She basically told me she will discuss with Judge and see how long they are willing to give me for maternity leave and she said under her breathe that she only has to hold my job for a certain time! WTF! UGH. Does anyone know of a website I can see for CT laws concerning maternity leave and such?
For the State of Conneticut, if your company qualifies under FMLA they are required to hold your job for 16 weeks (national law is 12 weeks, but CT is higher). They are not required to pay you for any of that time. You may be able to get paid via Short Term Disability if available. Also, you must have been employed for 1 year to be eligible.
Here's the FMLA rules for CT.
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