Wisconsin Nesties
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I don't think I have mentioned this here, but my husband's friend's son or daughter is going to have to have heart surgery within a week after birth. They are inducing his SIL (It's a surogate pregnancy) next week Monday, and the baby will be in NICU for 4-7 days before the first surgery. After the surgery the baby will be at the hospital for 4-6 weeks. He and his wife will be staying there for those 6 weeks, since the hospital is an hour and a half from their house. They are probably going to stay at the Ronald McDonald house if there is room, since it's the cheapest option.
Here is my question, what can we do for them to let them know we are thinking of them? I was thinking a gift basket with books, puzzles, snacks, gift cards to local restaurants, etc. They will spend a lot of time in the hospital, but they will also spend a lot of time in the hotel/Ronald McDonald house. If they are at the McDonald house, their room will not have a tv in it.
What other things could we do for them?
Re: Need Ideas
As a nurse at Children's Hospital here are my suggestions:
Everything above you have mentioned already is great!
A deck of cards? Uno?
Phone cards......the phones in the patient rooms only make local calls. In the ICU's (both the NICU an the cardiac ICU) cell phones are NOT allowed....not even allowed to be turned ON because they can turn ventilators OFF
Friends and family can call into the room, but if they need to make a call, they'd have to leave the baby's bedside to make the call.
Do they know their way around the city? Maybe a map of the area with restaurants pinpointed? Or, if you get them a gift card to a local restaurant, how about printing out directions from the hospital to the restaurant so they can easily find their way?
Let them know about www.caringbridge.com as well. This is a personalized website that they can set up and keep a journal andpost pictures for friends and family to get updates on their baby. Friends and family can even leave comments for the family. It is free. The hospital has camera's they can check out ("rent") to take pics if they don't have their own.
Is the mom crafty? Maybe a scrapbook kit, so she can keep a journal/pics of the baby's journey.
That's all I can think of right now!