Sorry if this gets asked a lot, I went back 3 pages and didn't see any Kindle posts.
Anyway, DH brought up possibly buying me a Kindle for Xmas. I hadn't really thought about it before, so I've been doing some research today.
I love to read, so the idea of being able to buy a book whenever I want (Sunday night at 11:00 for example), is really appealing. Plus, all books are apparently a set price.
What I'm worried about is getting a headache from staring at the screen. I look at a computer all day, so I don't know if I want to come home and stare at one again for 2 hours.
Do you have a Kindle? What are the pros/cons?
And do they sell these in regular stores, like Best Buy maybe? I'd like to see one in person before buying.
Re: Kindle Questions
Just to speak to the eye strain thing (and this is coming from a theoretical science background, not an actual experience with it background) the technology of the screen is actually really neat.
E Ink makes use of actual black and white coloured particles that it floats to the surface to resolve letters and such. The reading experience was likened to actually reading text on a printed page. Also, the only time that power is used (assuming there isn't a backlight) is when the page is being "turned", leading to a very low power consumption (which = longer battery life).
I have wanted an e-reader since I first read an article about e-ink years ago. I think the only thing available at the time was the Sony eReader, and it was mega $$$.
Not that how cool the tech is would influence the average buyer into getting one, but I just had to nerd out for a second.
We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?