In case anyone is interested, the December challenge starts today on the OC Nestie Spark Team. November was a huge success with most of our teammates bringing in 30+ workouts for the month. We're on fire. Come join us if you'd like.
Specifics: 31 workouts in 31 days! Again, separate strength workouts count as 1 workout, separate cardio workouts count as 1, a dedicated stretching session counts as 1, even a walk with the dogs counts as 1. If you do a class that incorporates cardio and weights - that's 2 if you want to count it as such, which I think is very fair.
Now - we have to push ourselves and outdo November, right? RIGHT?
So, in addition to 31 in 31....this is the extra part of the challenge: Each week in the month of December, or at least once a week for 4 weeks, you must do the following workout. 1000 jumping jacks, followed by 100 crunches any way you want to do them. Rest for a minute or as many minutes as you need, and do it again until YOU HAVE COMPLETED 4000 (FOUR THOUSAND) JUMPING JACKS and 400 crunches. You don't need a gym, and you can go at your own pace. This counts as 1 workout.
Talk about bringing in 2010 with a bang.
Now - WHO'S IN????
For more details or to check out our team board, see here:
Re: PSA: OC Nestie Spark team = 4000 jumping jack December challenge
That's a WEEK?!?!? Have you checked your water supply recently?
::lays on couch and waits for SYTYCD results show::