this is semi long, arent they always?
IDK if I am overreacting but I am FURIOUS and about to rip off DH's head right now.
I just texted him and told him I was gonna go out to dinner with my mom and brothers tonight so I would be spending some $$ (we are trying to SAVE for baby, house, etc.) so we always run things by each other that have to do with finances obviously.
WELL, he texted me and said that I could go (I WASNT ASKING, but thanks anyways!) because we got $100 last week that we got in a wedding card that was dropped off to his work by a friend. SOOO, we got a card, he took the money, didnt even tell me about it, didnt let me see the card, and here I am still mad that this said friend was a no-show (im still mad regardless of the money anyways) at our wedding but I would've felt a little better knowing about said card?!!. SOOO..DH's excuse is that I can't be mad because even though he didnt tell me about it, he turned around the next day and gave me $400 for black friday shopping (for gifts for the kids, not like play money). my point is, why the hell did he not tell me?
So, we're both at work so we're fighting through texting which is never a good idea..and I was like UHMMM, what else are you hiding? more money? extramaritial affairs, etc.? and he told me I am overracting. AM I? I AM PISSED!!!!!!!!
Ummm. It sounds like he just forgot to tell you. Unless I'm missing something.
Good. I'm happy it ended well
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