So at 20 years old I decided that I was fed-up with trying to find a meaningful relationship and was going to be married to my career for the rest of my life - or at least well into my 40's - when I met my husband-to-be. I told him our relationship would last a max of 3 months and then we'd break up for any list of reasons. Here we are 4 years later and we are married (May 30th '09!) and I am able to laugh at all of the foiled "relationships" of my past.
But we, being a married couple at age 24 (he is 26) find ourselves in an interesting predicament. We are having a hard time relating to a lot of people our age (and I'm talking 20's & 30's). It seems they are either living the single life - or have kids. Now don't get me wrong, we enjoy going to parties, going out and tossing back a couple (or a few!) - but we're kind of out of the "crash on someone's couch" stage. Conversely, we have a dog so do have responsibility at home, but see kids as at least a few years away.
Can anyone relate? Have you been able to find couples that you feel on the same page with? What are some ways we could meet some new people? We'd love to find people we could go to dinner with, have over for sports on TV, go to bars with, and even go downtown to explore the city with.
Perhaps this website is our ticket!
Thanks for your help
Re: Caught in the Middle
I can relate 110%! The hubs & I are in our early 30's and I still have a ton of single friends. My few married friends seem to be the few who can stay out till 2 or 4am and party like we did at 25! I swear by midnight, the hubs and I are yawning and ready to call it a night and the crappy thing is, my friends don't start going out till 10pm, WTF is up with that?! So I feel old and pathetic.Dinner, sports to wine bars, movies, bowling are things we love to do together and we are trying to find couples in the same boat as us.
We are going to have a nestie get together next Friday, the 11th in Wicker Park by the blue line. Can you meet up with us?
I felt the same way a few years ago... mid to late twenties is kinda of a strange transistion. I am 29 now and have kinda gotten through it and accepted the changes, but around 25-27 it was hard because my "college crew" started going in all different directions, my one friend was still going out till 4AM four nights a week (which I could NOT keep up with anymore), I was setting down in to a relationship with my now hubby and enjoying nights in and nice dinners, while my other friend had a baby and was in a whole different world than us! We started to see each other less and less and it was really hard! We are still all friends but not that same way we were right out of college, most of my friendships are stronger because of it!
Hang in there, things start to settle out later in the 20s, everyone progresses along at a different rates. Come to the GTG next friday-- I am always up for meeting new people!
Thank you all for the responses! I figured we weren't alone in this situation, but it's really nice to hear it reciprocated. schaiblejen, you hit the nail right on the head. I always had this large group of really good friends - someone to do anything with - but as we've all grown up, we've kind of ventured off in our seperate directions - still friends, but not nearly as close as we used to be. It doesn't help that I moved up here and several of them stayed in my home town, Indianapolis. So even the ones that are in our similar stage in life are difficult to get together with.
Thank you for the invites to the GTG! Is it mostly just us girls getting together or is it a couples thing?
It's just us girls for this one but someone mentioned about a bar that has games and big tables, so after this GTG, I'm going to see if we can get a couples meet up for a games night at Guthrie's in Wrigleyville by Addison & Southport.
That I can do! - the hubs is in retail management and as you can imagine his schedule is insane right now so I was going to have to pass if it was a couples thing, but I should be able to attend! Thanks!
I love Guthries! I think DH and I are actually going there tonight with a couple of friends
To comment on the original post- luckily DH and I were one of the last of our 'core group' of friends to get married. And since we live in the city and go out on weekends to dinner and date nights, we actually seem less lame than some of our suburb married friends who like to stay in every weekend in their suburb house and only hang out int he suburbs (nothing against suburbs, we'll move there eventually, but right now love the city.) While we do go out to dinner and sometimes bars.....we're usually home by 11pm at the latest. And when our younger, single siblings invite us out, they don't go out until 10pm, nad they are out all night....we just can't hang like that anymore!!