I woke up this morning and my eyes felt a little strange, but I thought maybe I just had a lot of crud in them from sleeping, ya know.....so I got up, dragged myself to the bathroom, flipped on the light, looked in the mirror.....and freaked out. One of my eyes was swollen almost completely shut! I screamed, Mike jumps out of bed, steps on the dog, and runs to the bathroom to see what's going on. At this point I must tell you that my husband is completely useless in the morning before he's had his shower. He couldn't figure out what was wrong, and I kept trying to tell him until I was in tears from frustration. Finally I ended up yelling something like JUST GET IN THE @&%! SHOWER so you can wake the @&%! up!!!! So he did and when he got out he agreed that there was indeed something wrong wih my eye. We determined that it was just allergies, so I took an antihistamine and it started going down almost immediately. So it seemed like things were getting better, until I went to let my cousin' dog out of the guest bedroom (we're babysitting him) and stepped in a nice puddle of pee. Great.
At this point, all I can do is laugh!!!
Re: I've had a laughably bad morning so far....
Whoa - that's too much drama for such an early hour. Funny about your husband's non-help before shower time. How's the eye now? Last time I had pink eye it started kinda like that. If it's mild, it can really help to put a warm wet wash cloth on it...otherwise you might need drops from a doc.
At least the weekend's here!!
Oh, no...I'm so sorry
I know all abut the swollen eye bit...it happens to me a lot with my dermatitis!
Oh no....what a morning!!
But your story did make me chuckle :-)
Hope you're doing better. TGIF
I sure hope your morning gets better!! I'm glad the medicine is helping the swelling go down. I have horrible allergies as well - I took two benedryl last night b/c my eyes were starting to swell up. I don't know what I would do without benedryl....that stuff works wonders!!!
Hi just checking in to see how the rest of your day was. Hope you're doing better.
Aww glad you're better.
My IL's came early and my house is soooo not clean and I'm PMSing so I'm super sensitive. This month is I can cry in a moments notice, rather then RAGE...lol.
So it'll be an emotional weekend for me..lol
So retarded. I hate when I'm like that.
Oh you're soooooo not the only one! LOL One month if your smile is a little off, I'm balling, the next month if you smile is a little off I'm ready to kick your ASS! It doesn't take much..
Yea, I didn't even care to clean...who cares what they think...lol
So now I'm nesting.