We were planning on spending the day at the lake but Mr. Drake has a fever and threw up this morning poor baby...so we're not goin anywhere. He fell asleep on the couch and has the chills and has been sleeping for over an hour there ...something which he NEVER does so you know he's really sick =o( I hope he feels better for our family cookout tomorrow at least!
Tonight DH and I will watch our wedding video and have some wine to celebrate our anniversary, pending Drake goes to sleep okay and all. Hopefully we'll be able to reschedule our date we had planned!
Oh and the good... Jackson rolled from back to belly for the 1st time finally this morning...he's been doing belly to back all the time but this is the 1st for back to belly!
Hope everyone stays cool this weekend, it's so nasty hot out!
Re: Happy 5th Anniversary To Me...Good and Not So Good
Aw, Stace that stinks and poor Drake!!
sorry the little guy is not feeling well. I hope he feels better soon!
And big YEAH for Jackson!! I think Connor will be there within a couple of weeks. He has been rocking onto his side and then cant figure out how to get past his arms! lol
Have fun at the family BBQ tomorrow (that is if Drake is feeling better!)
happy anniversary. Hope Drake feels better soon.
yahoo for Jackson! Owen would go to the side and get stuck on his arm too, he did that for about 2 months probably, he really only has consistently rolled onto his belly when on the floor for about a month or so. He was able to do it on our bed first, but I think he found a butt groove and rolled into it!!
OH NO Drake, little buddy! I hope that he feels better as soon as possible! My sister's daughter had a quickie stomach bug last week and my kids had been around her right before she got it. I was concerned that they would get it too but luckily they did not. It didn't even last a full day, though, so hopefully it will be like that for Drake!
Go Jackson Go!
Happy Anniversary, too! I know that it's a bummer to have to reschedule your plans, though. I'd swear sometimes that kids have a sixth sense about when you have plans!!!!!