...at least someday...what I wouldn't give for a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep....it's been 3 months and I haven't slept for a full 6 or 8 hours since before he was born I miss sleep. Instead of getting up once during the night now, he has been getting up twice...and last night he got up a 1am, 3am and 4am...then was up for the day at 6am. Seriously, I don't know if he slept at all and I know I certainly didn't....
He went down for a nap at 7:30am no problems, woke up at 8:30am with a piercing cry that I have never heard before (makes me wonder if he is starting to teethe)...I went to him and he was totally cranky and yawning still (obviously still tired) and so I nursed him and put him back down to continue his nap and he went back down no problem...I can hear he is still awake over the monitor as he is grunting trying to get his other arm out of the swaddle (I though we had forgone the swaddling but he sleeps so much better with it)....
Oh, he's a character!
Re: I really cannot wait for Austin to STTN again...