...and ran into SRCain on my way in, hehe.
I had a high blood pressure reading yesterday and then a TON of braxton hicks contractions started today. I called my OB and asked them what to do (since I also had some cramping over the weekend) and they said that I needed to go to L&D to be monitored. UGH. I just got home and I sincerely hope the next time I go to L&D I'll have a baby and not just sit around hooked up to machines.
I had a LOT of BH contractions and a few minor normal ones, but everything turned out okay. They even did this test where they swab your cervix (ew, I know) and they can tell based off that swab if you would go into labor in the next two weeks...and luckily, I'm safe for that time period And Zach was CRAZY during the majority of the testing! I had a heart monitor on him and a contraction monitor on the other side of my stomach and he did NOT like those. He constantly kicked and squirmed and made the machine make loud noises
I'm going to bed. It's been a really, really long day.
Re: I just spent 6 hours in L&D...
Yes, it was back down in the normal range. I was also extremely dehydrated; whatever the darkest color on the strip is on the test that it SHOULDN'T be, it was. I've been drinking a lot more liquid lately, but I'll have to up it :P
I am so wiped out today. It's going to be an even longer day at work now.
Wow, sounds like no fun! Are you measuring like you have 11 weeks to go? I was just wondering because he seems so huge when you show us the US pics. I don't really know how these things work, though (if you can actually measure farther along than you really are), so please excuse my ignorance.
Also, can someone please explain to me what exactly a BH is and why women have them? The only thing I know is that Rachel had them on Friends
I'm glad that everything is ok! Make sure you take it easy!!!!
BTW, do you know how SRCain is?
Glad to hear everything is ok. Drink some water and put your feet up!
Im so glad to hear your ok.
Zach you need to listen to Mommy and Daddy. You need to grow just a little more before you come meet everyone. We know your excited to meet Maddy and the kitty but its just not time yet.
I hope you have an easy day today. Just try and relax. I know easier said than done.
Good luck, Steph... I'll be praying for good health!
I'm glad everything is OK! You scared me last night.
Glad you two are doing good. What a bummer way to spend a night. At least you have some answers for the time being. Do they think you will continue to have contractions for the next 11 weeks?
Good to see you quickly yesterday. That was probably more stressful than anything for you, but always best to be at the hospital just in case. Six hours probably seemed like forever. Glad to hear all is well. Hope you got some much needed rest last nite too.
I was just on my way home from being over in the cardiac wing w/ my mom. She had an "episode" they are calling it - not a heart attack, but irregularities on her EKG. But she had all the tests, there were no blockages, so that was all good news.
Ok, so now everyone stay out of the hospital for a while!
I'm sorry to hear about your trip to L&D! I'm glad Zach is staying in a few more weeks, though.
Thanks, ladies.
I'm still measuring where I should be, but they don't want me having him yet because he's still too small (can you believe that?). I'm just glad that he's okay...it was still scary to deal with that yesterday. I'm just wiped out today, but I've moved downstairs to my new desk and I'm really happy with that
Wow, i can't imagine how scary and stressful that must've been. Try to take it easy and try not to stress at all. I know its easier said than done but just take it super easy :-) Go to bed early tonight if you can and catch up on some much needed rest.
About bumping into SRCain, I always wondered if I haven't really met anyone IRL and I happened to bump into you would I recognize you or you me? hmm...