Dh and I are thinking about taking a cruise in late April/early May to celebrate his graduation. Neither one of us has been on a cruise before, so I'm not really sure what to expect. For those that have, is it worth it to upgrade from an interior room to an ocean view? Usually on planes or in cars I like to be near a window as it seems to help ease any claustrophobia or motion sickness, not that I have a major problem with those. I'd be willing to probably spend the extra money to upgrade but then I think how much time will we actually spend in our cabin to make the teeny tiny porthole worth it? Even the day we're sailing and don't dock it's easy enough to go up on deck if we want to see the ocean or get some air. Any thoughts?
Re: Calling all cruise people
I've been a cruise twice. The first time was with a girlfriend. We didn't have the ocean view, just a cheap inside state room. We were totally fine with it. We weren't in our room much, and when we were we liked that it was SO dark for sleeping. I had an absolute blast on that trip.
The second time I went on a cruise, it was for our honeymoon. DH & I upgraded to the oceanview window. We spent a little more time in our room than we probably would have normally, so having the window was nice. I don't get motion sickness, and neither does DH, but if you are more susceptible to that, I would definitely suggest getting a window in your cabin. I liked both, but if I were to go on another cruise, i would most likely pay to have the oceanview. So, IMO it is worth it.
I've cruised once and we had a oceanview room. For us, we didnt have a porthole, but a regular window (looked like a small slider window). It was great. My IL's had a inside cabin and they did not like it. It was too dark and they overslept a lot, haha!!
Ive only been once, and I had an inside room...I spent hardly any time in there....
If I was to go on a cruise with DH, I would get a port room, and better yet a balcony room!
I need a window...thats why we had a room with a patio. It depends on why your cruising. Our honeymoon we used the room alot
It was nice to wake up and have breakfast on our patio in our pj's...we loved it.
Now on a family trip we had an inside stateroom. We never were in our room, so it was ok. Like I said I get a wee bit motion sick...it was weird not having a window...but that me!
On a side note i would stay away from Carnival, they are the partier, discount ship. Not as clean. I highly recommend NCL or RCL!!!!!!!!!!!
My mom has also ownered her own travel agency for over 20 years and she has been on over 20 cruises if you need her info...let me know
well I've only ever had a balcony or a window. I love sleep with the window open as i enjoy hearing the sound of the waves. That said we leave sunday for a family cruise. This time we have an interior room but with a twist. It has a window open to the gallery. So you can look up and down and see the elevadors go up and down. It's a newer ship with Royal Carribean. It should be nice but through experience you really arn't in the room a whole lot so we decided to save money this time around and instead spend it on excursions. Although since we technically will still have a window i still can't give feedback for an interior windowless room.
I'll take pic's next week and post them when i get back so you can see what i mean.
Our Honeymoon was cruise #6. We've had inside rooms, rooms w/ a window, and we got a balcony room for our Honeymoon. The balcony was totally worth it. Awesome! If that is not affordable I would get at least a window room for your first cruise.
Hope you have lots of fun!
The two we're looking at are NCL or RCL. NCL is a bit cheaper but from what I hear you get better food with RCL. The plan is to save enough to do a cruise through the Western Med and I haven't even seen anything offered for Carnival there.
I'll definitely keep your mom in mind and let you know.
It would be great to do a balcony room but I don't think that's quite in the budget or it wouldn't leave much room for us to do stuff in port, which in going to the Mediterranean is more important for us.