Hi, ladies! I don't post often, especially since I started my new job, but I just want to put a little info on this board. Here's the back story:
My 25 yr old sister has been suffering from anorexia and bulimia for the past two years. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding in May, and my mom and I were very worried that she might collapse during the ceremony. Thankfully she seemed to be on the up-swing during that time. Then a week and a half ago my parents told me that her counselor had called them because she was so worried about Amy's health and was afraid that she would collapse. As you know, this is a breach of confidentiality as Amy wanted my parents completely out of the loop, but the counselor knew that calling them might be a last-ditch effort.
Amy is 5'2" and is down to 85 lbs. She has no insurance because she was working as a part-time Catholic school teacher. Last week she finally realized that her life is important to her and the counseling and group therapy alone were not enough to help her. She has been accepted to an intensive in-patient care center in Arizona and will be leaving July 28th. The facility gave her a lot of financial aid, but my parents are left to come up with $36K by the time she arrives at the center. Unfortunately they are starting to cash in their investments to help fund this, but there is no way they could pay for this.
Their friends in Ohio have been extremely generous with time and money and are helping them put on a huge yard & bake sale and benefit concert. I feel really helpless being so far away (and Greg and I can't send a lot of money up there), so we are putting on our own yard sale this Saturday. We have emailed our friends from Tampa and Orlando to see if they have stuff to donate, and I think we might be OK to have a nice yard sale.
Now to the point - I am going to post information about the yard sale on Craigslist once I have a list of the bigger donated items, but I wanted to let all of you know, too. It looks like we will have an air hockey or foosball table, 2 twin comforter sets, queen-size bed frame, clothes, vacuum cleaners, etc.
If you know anyone who enjoys yard sales or is just starting off, please pass on this information to them.
Saturday, July 26th
9am to 3pm
1596 Sherbourne St, Winter Garden
Thank you for reading!
Re: Benefit Yard Sale this weekend
Wow, that's so great how you guys are there for her :-) I'll keep your sister and your family in my prayers. I'm going to look through our garage and see if there's anything I can donate to your sale. Maybe you can set up an online donation site for friends and family to contribute. I'll be happy to contribute some. :-)
Let me know how I can help. Sad theres not much more time.
I quickly glanced at these so I'm not sure if they can help...there isn't much time but maybe a couple of extra bucks you can collect might help.