although this weather is making me sleepy....I went to bed at 10:30pm last night (Lord knows I should go to bed earlier) and Austin farted and was squirming around so I thought he might of I sniffed his butt and there was nothing and naturally he woke up when I did so, so I nursed him and put him back down and he slept though until 4am - yay!
last night I when I was nursing him, he practically stripped my nipple raw - I don't know what his deal is lately, he squirms and pulls on and off and his hands grab my other breast (which I how hold my hand over, because I don't want him developing that habit) and he was awful...I was in tears when he was done because my nipple hurt so much....I'm really hoping to teach him that if he pulls off that's it, he pulls off and doesn't get the breast, but I really don't know what to do - anyone else have this problem? What did you do?
so this morning, Tom and I were playing with him for a bit and I have this little "pull bug" that vibrates and I was pulling it and letting it make it's little "buzz" noise and kept doing it - I could tell Austin was building up to something...and then he giggled about 3 or 4 times! Yay!! I was so glad Tom was there to see him do it. It seems like Austin likes simple things to make him laugh
Re: ahhhh, got 5 hours of sleep, he laughed again and BFing happenings!