Hey ladies how is everyone doing? We're doing alright over here, just thought I'd check in since there hasn't been much time for nesting these days. Jack is doing fabulous and is just so fun to be with! He giggles and talks up a storm, just like his Momma! He has been drooling like crazy for a few weeks now and loves to suck on his fingers, hands & bib! Sleeping is pretty good. He still doesn't nap well during the day...usually a morning nap right after his first feeding, then he gets so overtired around 5 and eventually goes to sleep...just wish he'd go down earlier, so bedtime wouldn't be affected KWIM? It's not everyday that he does this, but last night he was pitching a fit around 5 so I gave a smaller bottle after exhausting every other calming method and out he went, and stayed out until 930p, just when Mom & Dad decided to go to bed in case he woke up in the middle of the night haha. So we fed him and he went back to sleep! Oddly enough the later he goes to bed to earlier he wakes. But I realy have no complaints he sleeps thru the night pretty much consistantly, which I soooo need! haha!
I am doing ok...was feeling prettying bad the last couple weeks, very achy and painful just to "be" So I had some labs drawn Thursday and still waiting to hear about them...my OB is referring me to my GP to have some tests done for Rheumatoid Arthritis as apparently it can happen post partum. Ick! My incision is STILL NOT FRIGIN CLOSED, but I am hopeful it will be within a month or so! I am still seeing the doctor in DC and he still thinks that the wound looks great and that I am healing fast...ummm ok 3 months later dude I still have a hole in my body, but ok! As much as I need to be positve, I am having a hard time with this still. I am not allowed to sweat(can infect my wound) so I can't really stay outside too long since it's been in the high 90's for weeks here, so that's depressing. I can't swim and all my neighbors hang out at the pool all day with their kiddos, so there goes my socialization....Rob's been working a TON of hours and I just can't do it all by myself feeling the way I do! I feel like he is so tired when he comes home that he avoids baby duty...love him to bits and he just adores Jack, but I need a break too! KWIM? I feel so guilty asking, but by the time I do I've been stewing over the fact that the baby has been crying for a few minutes and he doesn't go get him, that I am PI$$ED off and say nasty things to him! Don't get me wrong he helps around the house some, like picking up from dinner, but lately I just don't see him putting in effort with the baby and it's bothering me! If I ask, he will do it, but I shouldn't have to right? I started going to Mommies group at the hospital where I took classes and delivered and it's been wonderful! There are so many baby boys there, so Jack will at least have some boy playmates as our whole neighborhood is girls hehe! We are actually heading to group today :-)
We have another bout of company coming next week basically 3 different friends coming on 3 different days from 3 different states haha! And we are really hoping too meet up with Allyson and Jordan this week at some point since they are down here visiting her ILs and a college friend...
Well I think that's all! Sorry for not being around much, but it's just not been a good couple weeks. I will try to catch up later, as I need to shower while I can b4 we leave. I got thru a few posts earlier, then decided I'd better check in! I hope all is well and hopefully I will be nesting more this week!
Re: Hola Chickitas!
Hi Chrissy,
Thanks for checking in! I was just thinking about you the other day & wondered how you were feeling. Sorry it isn't going as quickly as you would like, that must be very frustrating. I hope that it is just normal post partum stuff & not RA!
As for DH, I think we have all been there & felt that way at times. I know I have! Especially w/ everything you have been through, you need some extra help & a break! Try to talk to him about how you are feeling, he might not know (men are dense).
Glad to hear Jack is doing well. It gets more & more fun the older they get!
Take care of yourself & check in when you can!
It's good to hear from ya! Holy crap, I hope you don't have RA on top of everything else!
I had an assistant at my last "real" job and she had that really badly. She and I keep in touch and she just had to have a very painful operation on one of her feet because of it. She also wears braces on her fingers that help her to keep them positioned correctly - she really struggles. I'd hate to hear about somebody else I know having to deal with all of that so good luck and STAY COOL!