I took it off the www. I had a strange conversation with my cousin this past weekend (a cousin who reads the blog from time to time) and needless to say I freaked out.
I know many of you are aware of the dangers that having a person blog up like that are and I know that many of you have blogs and I just want to remind y'all there there are people out there that don't gave good intentions and do not "get" what a blog is about. In other words, the whole point of my blog was first to write about my experiences planning my wedding and then later it became my experiences as a newlywed.
Not sure if I will ever start it up again...if so it would probably be private.
What are you guys thoughts on all this?
Re: So I shut down the blog
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
People can find you no matter what...with our without the blog.
My frustration with it was........that basically to her I came across having such a great life and going on all these trips blah blah blah. So then I took a step back and thought to myself is that really what the point of my blog was? To show people how good I have it? Hell no!
I also don't care what people think of me....but I am not giving off the right impression and therefore missing the complete point of why I wanted to start it in the first place. Does that make sense?
We have a personal blog too. We started it with the wedding and have kept it up with updates to our house/trips/etc.. probably a lot like yours. I keep motivated to maintain it because it's an easy way for his family (that live out of town) and our friends (scattered around the country) to keep up with us on a more personal level than facebook. It's also fun for us to look back on the posts and see all the things we have done in since our first wedding blog to now. I think it would be a great asset to show our kids what we were like before we had them. Cheesy, I know!
I get what you are saying about the blog showing how great your life is and blahblah, but I personally have never encountered anyone who seems offended by that. It seems kind of weird/jealous to me. Maybe you can have a password protected blog and those who really care to keep up with you will read it and that's it. Honestly, if that person doesn't want to read about your life, they can simply choose to not read your blog.
I think that that is totally incorrect. She, IMHO, is coming off completely jealous. You can make it private if you want, but to say that you are coming off wrong is not true
Um she sounds like a hating amargada to me. I'm sure that you keep this blog to document the experiences in life. Obviously we're all hesitant to post the personal/marital/health problems that we're working though, so we mostly post the good memories. As the PP says.. if crazies wanted to find you, they will regardless.
On the other hand i've heard of readers who become so obsessed with the blogger's stories that they feel like they know them and (in some cases) become infatuated or feel entitle to someone elses life.
If you are scared because of this reason, I would recommend keeping it private.. but if you're worried about some crabby hater... keep it public...
Why? because #1. no one thinks your trying to show off (atleast not with what I've read of your blog) #2. You cant live to please others, you have a wonderful blog and she seems jealous #3. I love your blog
I'm with Yocy. Perhaps you only document the good things in life, and purposely leave out the bad, as no need to air out the dirty laundry. I think she is jealous, but that is MHO.
As for mine, I use it more like a journal. Honestly, no one IRL knows I have the blog. DH does, but has never read it (at least I don't think so). I see it as a place to document some things I wish to remember later on in life. Plus, I do love to shop and share savings... so since I have a few frequent visitors, I also post coupons and such.
When I first started it, we didn't have a clue about our IF issue... it was only a few months into our TTC journey. Now it is a place I document all our happenings. It has become a lot to remember!
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
I agree about the sugar coating. There are some things I dont think I would ever write on that blog, but in all fairness, I wouldn't share with just anyone either. I think I have been pretty open about my fair share of bad stuff like my husbands layoff and some other things.
On the jealousy thing...yea I guess so. I can care less about that though. Im just more hurt about the fact that this was something I cared about a lot and now I dont think I feel the same way about it. It was my journal and I loved writing about things and believe it or not its such a therapy.
And Jackie and the others I love your blogs too! I just dont think some people "get" it.
My blog
I understand, and you shouldn't let people turn you off from something. I would brush it off. I love reading your blog!
Thanks Victoria! lmao at dropping him off at the firestation. I agree I dont think he would appreciate reading about that in the future lol. I think baby blogs are amazing and better than any scrapbook or babybook and have always felt I would do it when I have a baby. I love yours.
Im going to take a little breakity break from keeping the blog public. Maybe ill go private and invite you girls but for now im just gonna take it easy.
I think it is intersting that you posted this because this morning my co-worker sent me an e-mail telling me to be careful with my blog... underneath her telling me that was a story of a girl who had a great deal of plastic surgery and was showing off how amazing she looked after...she would pose in bikini's and such... well apprerntly she had a stalker who became obsessed with her from viewing her pictures and he eventually found her and later killed her. I don't mean to scare anyone with this story/e-mail but it made me think OMG... I post a great deal of personal stuff on my blog, but I also do it to share it with friends and family who do not live in Miami. When I first started it I would not share pictures or personal things about my life but just random thoughts I had and I did that for a reason, but about a year ago when I got married I decided I would use it for my family and friends. After reading that e-mail and this post I think I may just make my blog private as well...
Jenny I just want to say I love your blog, and I agree with the other girls the person who told you that is obviously jealous...why shouldn't you share all the great things that you have going on your life...I think you should keep your blog and make it private to your friends/ family only (excluding this person in particular)...don't stop your life because someone else can't handle whats going on in yours!!!
She doesn't have to read it and if she keeps going back to it obviously something is keeping her interest!!! You are not going to keep checking something if you are annoyed by it!!! You do not seem to me to be a person who is braging about your life on your blog, so rub some vaseline on your shoulder and be flattered...it's easier said than done and if I were you I would proabably be driving myself insane thinking about what was said as well.
Sorry if I sound mean...it is not my intent!!!
I just get annoyed with stupid people and clearly that is what that person is!!!!
Nooo! I love reading your blog!
Listen, I know that when you start a blog you are essentially putting yourself "out there". You are now on the radar and you are letting people from all over the world read about the things you decide to write about, whether it's stuff going on in your life or something as simple as a pair of shoes that you love. The fact that she brought out the point that you have to be careful about how much information you give out it true. Yes, don't make it obvious as to where you live, don't give out your full name, etc. However, I don't think that it should deter you from blogging! So what if you only post about the good stuff. What's it to her? There's so much horrible stuff going on in the world, what's so wrong with celebrating those great moments in your life? Doesn't she want to see all the great stuff that's happening to you?
I think that if you are deep down, not comfortable with the idea of blogging, than you should do as you've done and just shut it down. However, I think it should be your decision and not based on some wackado cousin. If having the blog made you happy because it gave you the oppurtunity to share and have a creative outlet, than stick with it. I have mine for those reasons. It's a creative outlet for me and I find it incredibly fun. At the same time, I'm careful with what I let out. Hey, when you think about it, there could be some crazy nestie right here, and most of us know a lot about each other. Should we not post on the boards then? I don't know. Like other people said, if someone really want to find you, they will. Personally, I can't live my life constantly scared, and if someone does come after me, they better be careful because I have a wicked temper! LOL
I completely agree with Ceventa!!!
Hey Jenny,
I don't think you should shut down your blog but I would maybe put it private like the other girls have suggested. I had a bad experience with my ex boss stalking me on the internet. He was googling my name and checking out every website I was on! He then started emailing me about my tweets and saying I was talking bad about him and his practice. He was trying not to pay me because he said I was taking trips while I was calling out sick (which were definitely not true) and that I was using profanity on the internet! You never know what people are thinking and the last thing on my mind was that this crazy man will be checking me out online. So I don't think you should shut it down but definitely keep it private.
Ay, Jenny... what can I tell you. I absolutely agree with the girls. In the end, you have to do what makes you happy. If it bothers someone to read about all the good things going on in your life, honestly, that's their problem. Everyone has good and bad times, and if you choose to only blog about the good, that's your choice! You are not obligated to post about anything you don't want to, obviously.
It does seem to me like she is envious of the life you lead, or at least what she reads about it on your blog... you have to remember that we are living in hard times (you've seen it for yourself), and these problems are hitting some people harder than others... and of course, you are not going to share EVERYTHING with EVERYONE, so if you only share the good, it seems like your life is perfect. i think that, on the contrary, she should be happy for you if you have wonderful things going for you, not make you feel bad about those good things... but if blogging something that you like to do, I say, do it! If you really feel that uncomfortable about it, don't do it...
I have contemplated shutting my blog down as well... When I started it, I just wanted to catalogue what was currently going on with me as I pursue my singing career, and start my life as a Mrs. Unfortunately, because it is public, and something anyone can see, some people do look at what you write online to try and find a way to get you down, or catch you in something negative that they make up in their minds. Sometimes, those people have the wrong idea about you, but regardless, you are going to be you... and if you enjoy taking trips with your Husband, and have the means to do so, go for it! No one, that truly cares about you, is going to feel jealous towards you when good things are happening in your life. Those who feel jealous and constantly wish bad things on you are amargados and bad people who don't care about you!
I too loved reading your blog, but if you are not comfortable, don't do it until you are. If you make it private, I would love to be able to read it again
But please, do not feel that your Blog was all about you living the good life...
I think that blogging is a very personal decision. For me, I don't really like writing journal like entries about myself, because I just feel it's too personal for me to share. It's just not therapeutic to me, so instead I have a more superficial blog, about food that I cook
But for you, since you love your blog and writing about your life, I don't think you should stop! Of course, take precautions as pp have said, and perhaps make your blog private if you feel its necessary. On the other hand, since you post on a public message board and other places like facebook and twitter, I'm sure someone could still find you if they wanted to. You just have to be careful, which I'm sure you are.
I agree that the girl sounds a little jealous and judgmental of your blog. Maybe she feels that all blogs are supposed to be like diaries (the good and the bad) but ultimately we all have the choice to share whatever we want!
Either way, keep on bloggin'
Ditto above... My DH doesn't understand the 'blog world' and didnt want me to start one because its true what he says that there are some crazy people out there and unfortunately its not safe.
I started our home blog, but no pictures of us where we live or any private information so that we can try to keep it private. I enjoy writting about our jorney as home owners and everything that we do but still nothing too personal.
IMO I would not shut down your blog, but make it private and only invite those that you know or people who are not envy like the person you described.
Dont shut something down that you love because of som envious person who has nothing else to do.
My Blog: One Project at a Time Blog
My Chart
CP 05/09
BFP on 7/26/09 - M/C 8/13/09 @ 7 Wks
BFP on 10/28/09 - M/C 11/9/09 @ 5 Wks 2 Days
1/25/10 - RPL results everything normal but have low Progesterone
BFP on 06/09/10 - EDD 02/20/2011