Hi Ladies,
I just wanted to warn you about Lyme disease. I am sure most (if not all of you know) a clear sign of Lyme disease is a "bulls-eyed" red mark. It is not always the case.
My husband broke out with spots ALL over his body the other day. I took him to the ER because he was getting worse and more itchy. The ER doctor thought it might be Lyme disease because of what some of the marks looked like. He also said it wasn't "typical" because he had so many spots. The doctor did a test and started him on antibiotics for Lyme disease. I am so glad they did because it came back POSITIVE for Lyme.
Even with the medication he is having more signs of the disease. I had to take him back to the ER on Monday because he was have severe pains trying to walk. The doctor gave him Percocet and told him it would take the "edge" off the pain but would not relieve it.
Please take precautions and be alert.
Re: PSA: Lyme Disease
Also, ladies if you suspect Lyme disease and the doctor disagrees be presistent on getting tested for it. After talking with a friend at work, she told me her cousin had the same multiple spots as DH and was undiagnosed for weeks. The doctor would not do the testing because it was not "typical".
Yikes!! That is so scary. I hope your DH feels better very soon!