My parents spoiled me so that I didn't understand the concept of money. So when I didn't get something I wanted, I threw a hissy. I remember in Kay Bee Toy Stores that I bit my mom on the hand because she wouldn't buy me the Jack in the Box pop up/wind up toy. So she started crying and dragged me out to my dad who always waited in the middle of the mall because he hated shopping. And I was crying hysterically because I wanted the Jack in the Box. And he got mad at her for not buying it and took me back and got it for me. And my mom sat in the back seat on the way home while I played with my Jack in the Box in the front seat.
Looking back, if I were my mom I would have smackedtheshit out of me - AND out of my dad.
Got any stories?
Re: s/o Growing up. Did your parents spoil you?
I wasn't spoiled AT ALL.
It helped being raised by the cheapest man alive.
I remember going to a basketball game in hs, and I asked my dad for some money so I could buy food.
He handed me $1.
Then he told me to being him home change.
I also remember that my mom worked odd hours because she's a nurse. My dad would usually buy me fast food for dinner like Happy Meals because he didn't really cook. One night he made some soup with hamhocks and cabbage and tomatoes. And I hated cooked tomatoes. I told him to hurry up and finish eating so we could go get McDonalds. He said "NO! You eeet what I cook por dinner!" And all I remember next what saying "I don't want your poor food I want a happy meal!" And I threw a fit so hard that I fell off the bar stool onto the floor and pretended like I was dead so he'd feel bad.
Most of my cousins always thought I was spoiled but I don't think I was. I didn't get everything I wanted. I think I only threw a fit maybe 2-4 times in my life, all of which I was punished for. I took care of all of my toys (never ruining Barbie's hair, putting things back where they belonged). Once a year we'd give away a lot of toys that we didn't play with and if I did well in school, I'd get a new toy for each A. I had daily chores and an allowence since I was 8.
I think people mistake me knowing what I want for being spoiled. There is a difference.
My sister on the other hand...
Nope. Not at all. In fact I felt guilty as a child asking for anything. I knew we were on bare minimums.
I didn't cut my own food until I was 16.
I was carried until I was about 7.
I used to get presents on my siblings birthdays so I didn't feel left out.
I never had any chores.
My mom would cook two dinners each night (one for me, one for everyone else) because I refused to eat African food.
My children will not be like this.
Double post.
You win!
This thread is making me seriously LOL.
I think I was spoiled...a bit. But not nearly as much as my older brother.
He'd get a pair of Nike's for $100 and I'd get Payless for $10.
Heh. That would be negative.
I did not own a pair of name brand shoes until I was 18 and bought them myself. My sister's birthday is 6 days before mine and I would either get a random gift on her birthday or mine would be completely overlooked and I had to understand because I was older. (This is why I make a huge deal out of my birthday every year)
When I graduated from high school, my friends went to fancy restaurants afterward, I went to Sizzler.
I got to choose my high school graduation restaurant. For reasons, which I still do not understand today, I decided to go to the Olive Garden.
My family gave me this face , and asked if I was sure I didn't want to go to Orange Hill or the Mining Co. I guess I had a hankering for the endless bread sticks.
My mother acts like Olive Garden is flipping French Laundry or something. She wants to go there for every special occasion. Or Red Lobster. I really believe I was adopted.
My mom & dad did a pretty good job of making sure my brother and I weren't spoiled... but once my parents split and my mom remarried and there were stepsiblings involved things changed. Being the oldest of five, I got jack and ***. I had to work, I paid rent as soon as I graduated high school (16), paid for college myself, etc...My brother got more leeway but was still expected to work.
My stepsiblings, however, are a totally different story. They have no concept of money or how to care for things, they don't do chores or even their own homework half the time (their mom does it). Their holiday lists usually are several pages long (and they expect everything, even the doubles that they get between my mom/stepdad's house and their mom's like Xboxes, ipods, computers, etc). They expect me and my brother to buy them birthday & holiday gifts but we're never even thanked. It kills my mom but she really has no say in matters. R & I would love to have a CTJ talk with my stepdad about it but it'll never happen.
Socializing foster puppies since 2009
Chart for TTC#2 - BFP 6.10.12, m/c 6.17.12 @ 4w3d ? BFP 7.14.12, EDD 3.27.13
Beta @ 15DPO: 441, P: 15.1 ? 19DPO: 2,784 ? 26DPO: 28,886 ? U/S 8/2: One happy HB!
Elective U/S @ 15w5d - it's a BOY! Confirmed at 19w6d. ?
I've only been to Red Lobster once, and I O.D. on the cheese bread. I was so garlicky, it smelled liken I had sprayed au de Red Lobster all over my car and my apartment.
this explains SO much.
This. I still remember once I asked my mom for a mechanical ballerina doll for my birthday. She told me she couldn't afford it but she ended up getting it for me anyway. That was a huge thing for her because money was so tight. I felt so guilty I never played with it.
Hey W- what's a mechanical ballerina?
LOL! I chose Olive Garden, too. WTF was I thinking? I could have chosen to go anywhere, and I landed on OG...
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Ah, K I see why we get along so well...we lived the same life LOL!
Not at all. I remember asking my dad for clothes money at Rave at he handed me $20 and asked for the change. We ONLY got clothes on our birthdays and Christmas.
I am completely opposite my mom. She looks for coupons, and I do, for clothes, but I buy what I want to buy.
My parents would fight about money (they are still married.) I remember one time handing my mom $2 or something, saying I will help you, please stop fighting.
Needless to say, me and my brothers rarely asked for anything.
Aside from a very nice car (that was not mine, but I drove it), my parents did not spoil me.
My maternal grandmother, however, did and continues to do so today when she visits every couple years.