and heres a close up..... check out his fluffy antenna. like feathers!
let me also mention that i am terrified of moths and butterflies! and this one was at least 5" across. it was so huge. its a polypherous moth and its a male because its yellow not brown. it was absolutely beautiful. it was injured so it didnt go far and im sad to say it died under my car.....
but i was thrilled to see something so georgeous! thought i would share it with you all!
Re: look what i found in the dog pen yesterday....
Wow! That's amazing.
I, too, have a small fear of moths.
katie, my fear is so not small. it can be the smallest moth or butterfly and i scream if it flies near me and freak out. ugh i hate insects, but i really hate flying insects. lol
im such a baby..... but i love mice..... weird i know!
Oh, I hate mice!!!
I think the bigger the moth, like that one, the bigger ny fear. I would have been terrified of that thing. The only bug that does not freak me out is the lady bug. If they land on my I brush them off or let them outside. Any other bug is not usually so lucky! Especially anything that can hop onto me. Ughhh.