Jackson had his 4 month checkup yesterday and is 15lbs 14oz (62%), 27.25 inches long (97%) and his head circ is 17inches (69%). So we have now graduated to the convertible carseat as the limit is only 26 inches on his carrier....I'm so sad to say that that infant carrier will never be used again, I'll never see another one of my babies in it ever again! Gosh that's hard to swallow for me right now! But at the same time I'm loving watching him grow and smile and grab his toys and roll everywhere and learn new things every day. It's funny to compare his and Drake's stats and milestones from each stage too, Drake at 4 months was 18lbs and 26.5 inches...so chubbier and shorter! LOL Jackson has been having cereal since 3.5 months and the doc yesterday said we can start fruits & veggies now too...so I'll have to pick some up soon.
Also it's been over a month now but I kept forgetting to post, but Drake is fully POTTY TRAINED!! It's so nice to not have to buy pullups as well as diapers for Jack! I'm lovin it!
TFLMS ladies! We were on vacation a couple weeks ago and I've been trying to catch up on all the posts I missed! Hope everyone is well!
Re: Jackson's 4 Month Appt & Big Boy Announcement
yay! and i agree how different the kids are. the difference between vinny and tony is amazing!
and i remember thinking how sad it was that some things werent going to get used ever again. defiantely sad!
and CONGRATS on the potty training!!!! OMG THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!
do the pull ups really help with that???
Wow what a big baby Jackson is! It is sad, but so fun to see them grow.
Yay for Drake! That is great!!
BTW, your new siggy pics are great!
Wonderful news all around! We are working on the potty training thing with Jakob as he is starting to express interest now (as you can probably tell from my siggy - which I changed before reading your post, funny!). It's no picnic, for sure!