First I want to say thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. After this weekend I know that miracles do exist, so thank you for the moral support.
Luckily my dad is doing better, but it was such a draining emotional rollercoaster. First we had both arrived that Friday to Guadalajara, and from there went straight to the hospital. They prepped him for testing. Not sure what it's called, but they put a liquid through his veins that went straight to his heart. This liquid then gave a physical picture of how the blood is flowing in his heart. Well after this, our worst fears were confirmed. One has 5 major arteries in the heart (pretty sure that's what the doctor said) and each artery has a bunch of other little veins that come out of it that help with the blood flow. Well after this test you could barely see one artery. They said he was suppose to be dead 2 months ago. He's a living miracle, and shouldn't have even been living.
It was obvious after this that he was going to need major surgery. My dad wasn't ready mentally, so he asked to postpone it until Sunday. They did, and they ended up doing a quadruple bypass surgery. They had to take arteries from his leg and arm, but they were very succesful. He only had to be in the ICU for 24 hours, and now is back in his room. We play around saying that he's back to complaining about stupid things, so he must be feeling better. lol
Oh and my aunt came, my brother, and a few of his fries from Los Cabos came too. They served as a major moral support. On Friday when the doctor told him he was supposed to be dead I just started crying uncontrollably. It also didn't help that all my family was calling me asking for a check up. Every time they did I would just start crying all over again. Day of surgery was the more tense, but now that the worst is over everyone is feelign a little bit better.
Now he has a long recovery ahead of him, and a major lifestyle change too but at least he's alive and that's all I ask for.
Thank you girls for being there. You rock!!
Also, wanted to add. If you are blessed to have your parents still with you, please call them, hug them, kiss them, tell them how much you love them. Don't wait for something like this, like I did, to make you realize how we sometimes take our parents for granted.
Re: I'm back from Mexico with updates about my dad.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Glad to hear you had a safe trip and that your father is doing better.
I too went thru some parent/health issues this year and it really is an eye-opening experience to see them not well.
Your right, he has a long road of him but the worse part is over. You and family will conintue to be in my prayers.
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