1. Someone name-coughed me. I heard cough*tawillers*cough. I looked all over like an idiot and did not see one person who might have known me. This might haunt me forever.
2. A woman had parked her double stroller right in the middle of an aisle and was talking to two people. One kid was in the stroller and the other was rolling around on the floor. One of the trays to the stroller was also on the floor in the way. I was pushing DD in her stroller and there was no way we were going to be able to pass. So I just detoured a little off to the side, onto the carpet part, where the clothes racks are. Only there was a ladder that I bumped into pretty hard. The stroller woman looked over and smiled and said "Oh be careful!" I looked at her and said "Are you serious? If you weren't taking up 75% of the walkway, I could pass with no problem." She didn't say anything and didn't move.
How many days until shopping can be fun again?
Re: Two things happened to me at the mall today
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
Well, you might try not letting Wz get a hold of all your clothing so that she can embroider your name on it in glittery thread. Just a suggestion.
Tawillers across your ass in french script is not the same as Juicy, which is still bad.