One year, my parents got a Xmas newsletter from their Schwan's man, which was bizarre because he didn't live in their town and was definitely not anything but their Schwan's man. It seemed like he just gave it out to customers (which makes this even better).
It included all the details of his family's life and all was very happy until he got to his oldest son. Then the letter switched to Debbie Downer mode and he talked about how he wished his son would get a life and leave that good-for-nothing girlfriend who's done nothing but drain his bank account, happiness, and mental faculties.
My mom called me when she got it and read (i.e. squealed) it over the phone to me. I refused to believe it until I saw it in person. It was the best Xmas newsletter ever.
Re: Xmas cards gone bad
I wonder if people do that as a way to publicly humiliate the child they're upset with, or if they just truly believe in full disclosure.
My parents have a friend who always writes at least 4 pages, single spaced, and the whole thing is sickeningly sweet and up-beat. It's full of underlines and itallics and all-caps yelling, and emoticons and everything else you can imagine.
Anyway, the last year was very tough for them. Her husband cut off 3 fingers in a workshop accident, and her son had a nervous breakdown, among other things. The evil (extremely evil) part of me can't wait to see what kind of positive spin they put on it.
Crap...I Mean Crafts