Backstory: Someone on 12-14 on the bump (whytf am I lurking on the bump now?) posted that her H just left her, the day before she has a c/s for baby #2. He then accused her of cheating and said he thought the baby would come out asian. This is toward the top of the 4th page of responses. The whole thread had my jaw dragging, but this made my eyes pop right out of my head.
Wouldn't you really have to work to find an Asian guy in Arizona? I mean, not that I'd begrudge you a little hot one-on-one with a really sexy Korean guy, but I'm just thinking a SAHM in Arizona would probably have to actually order an Asian guy from some internet sex ring.
You didn't order an Asian guy fromr an internet sex ring, did you?
And if you did, can you post a link?
Re: rpotd
they have dry cleaning in arizona, no? okay then, there you go.
Frickity frack!
But S/O...I went to the children's program at our church over the weekend. It was a joint program with the Korean church that also meets in our building. By the end of the program my ovaries were trying to spontaneously produce Asian babies that play the violin while wearing angel costumes. There was some serious cute overload going on.
So in conclusion, if her stupid husband doesn't want her asian babies, please send them to me.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.