So one of the assistants I work with is a total btch.
When I first started she and I were friendly. Then all of a sudden she became uber-btch towards me.
Today, there was a lunch ordered for a meeting that her boss and my boss are part of. The food arrived and one of the OTHER assistants said that btch asst. said for me to take care of it. No biggie but it would have been nice had she mentioned it to me herself.
So I go out to take care of the food and the receptionist had already called her. Uber-btch comes tearing out and says to me, "what? can't you help?"
Um... I was you stupid hoar. Seriously, she needs to marry her doctor and quit. I'm tired of her and her attitude.
Yesterday she comes to my desk and tosses down a stack of stuff to mail out. She printed labels and stuffed the envelopes but asking me to help would have been nice not just throwing stuff on my desk. I was in the middle of a project.
Unfortunately I can't kick her off the cookie list this year. I'm giving a basket to all of the assistants I work with. I can guarantee that she's not giving me anything (even a card) so she will *not* be on next year's list.
Fvkc! I'm so irritated now, my eye is twitching.
Re: So annoyed
Currently Reading: Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes
Crap...I Mean Crafts
Let me teach you a few southernisms.
You need me to do something? Well bless your heart.
Why darlin' of course I can do that for you. Isn't it always so nice when things get done the right way?
I love your hair. Mmhmm. It's so kind of you to give those poor cosmetology dropouts your business.
i can't help but think it's funny that payback will be everyone but her getting a nice gift basket!
punch her in the face and tell her to mail her own damn whateverthehells! nothing says the holidays like a punch right in the nose.
Her nose is certainly prominent enough.
This is the girl who has put everything wedding related as:
Assface McBitchpants and Dr. Douchebag Manginahaver.
Everyone has to know that he's a doctor. He hasn't even started his residency yet.
well, you're sort of married to a doctor - he's got links to the good meds, right? sounds like a doctor to me! and he's got better hours.
get to bragging!