anyone watch this week?
i felt badly for amber, because she's right; it is far better to have your HS diploma versus the GED. maybe now some kids who are watching will see it's not as easy as you think it will be.
then i started to feel less badly when i saw her manicured fake nail tips. at $30 a week (usually the cost for fill in), she could stop the manicures and pay for her diploma herself.
Maci is an a-hole for bothering to stay with that dude, who was obviously just biding his time until she left on her own.
as for farrah, i couldn't care less about her. if people are willing to watch her kid, who cares.
lastly, the couple who had their kid adopted...i forget their names. they need to start separating themselves from the baby and the adoption or else they aren't going to ever heal. they are acting as if their kid is on an extended vacation, when really she has other parents! open adoptions are for the birds.
Re: Teen Mom
Maci made the FIRST decision that was smart. Also, really? You thought you knew what your guy was REALLY like when you lost your virginity at what...15?
Catelynn and her man need to stop worrying about baby. They gave her up, for the best possible chances and they need to bow out.
Oh. They were also mad about not knowing her last name. Yeah, this is common. I had to side eye those tattoos too.
I watched as the dishwasher was running at 1am.
Maci needs to get rid of the dead weight. I liked that she was standing up for her son.
Farrah - WTF cares?
Catelynn and Tyler gave a seriously crap line to the social worker about wanting to know Carly's last name. SHE IS NOT YOUR DAUGHTER! When you give up a child, open or closed adoption, the child is no longer your's!
Amber needs to find a better way to deal with her anxiety than with meds. And she needs to needs to stop getting the nails done and start saving her money. $30/week isn't chump change.
I've always felt a little bad for the adoptive parents in that situation. You know MTV is encouraging all the visits.
The more I watch, the more I have a problem with the fact that this show exists. Yeah, they're showing that it's hard. But all the kids in the show are scraping by, and for the uber-deluded (who are probably the most likely to find themselves in this situation), all they'll see is that everybody's got their own apartments and these cute little kids, and all they'll think is that Farrah's mom is a b1tch and that high school sucks anyway. I think the show is more of an enabler for this kind of behavior than a deterrent.
Crap...I Mean Crafts
Wow. I don't know. What high schooler is up at 5:15 am for any reason?
Also, not like knowing the last name of your child helps anything.
Currently Reading: Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes
Exactly. There has to be separation for the adoptive parents' sake. I don't think Catelynn and Tyler should know that information (last name, address, etc.). It's safe that way. The adoptive parents have to be able to move on and raise their daughter and if it doesn't include keeping Catelynn and Tyler in their lives, then so be it. Catelynn and Tyler should have hired someone to help them understand what they were signing, IMO.
the social worker should be a lot more honest witht hem about this adoption instead of telling them to find the means to make a visit and then she'll help them along. NO.
adoption sounds like a hard thing to have to go through for the kids, but it was smart, and it was the right thing to do. BUT it's also not as easy as sending your kid off to live in someone else's nice house until you can start getting involved in their life!
MTV isn't doing their job because they aren't shaming these teem parents in any way. they are making it seem like it's not so hard. Hell, of course it's not difficult when you have parents like farrah's and maci's who will take them in when things get a little rough.
And I'm sure getting paid to be on the show(s) makes things a bit easier.
Crap...I Mean Crafts
*v @ TD. Gross.
yes, it was the social worker's job to thoroughly explain the signing away of your rights.
TD, their relationship disturbs me. It also disturbs me that they can't get the money together for her to get her HS diploma. her life is a lot easier than many teen parents lives may be, and she needs to get over herself.
i can't get over the way these kids walk around like they are pretending to be adults, but still want the benefits of being a kid (ie, the lack of accountability).