Is 21 pounds (80th percentile or so) and 30 inches (way off the charts).
He is the exact SAME size as my friend's baby who just turned a year the other day. ?He also has the same amount of teeth as this baby does (4), though I'm pretty sure Ben has another 2 coming in!
I have to admit, and I know no one does it on purpose, but it makes me a little sad when strangers think he is much older than he is because of his size. ?They're always shocked when I tell them his age. ?I just want him to stay my little baby forever, but I know that's not possible. ?*sigh*
Oh, and he's been sitting up for awhile if you put him in the position- but this morning, he was lying on the floor and sat up all on his own and started playing with his toys. *sniffle*?
Re: My 7 month old...
hes still your lil ben bear!! ppl have no idea about sizes, owen is 33rd weight 12th height and people often say hes big! must be his big head!!
I think your 7 month old weighs more than my 15 month old! Although Owen is about an inch taller & has a few more teeth :-)