Mexico Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
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Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
I may have missed a post, though I did my best.
What am I missing?

Re: SS recap
I had Imoan, Taw had me.
ETA: scrolly bar wasn't working and I missed the second half of the page.
Crap...I Mean Crafts
you're on there. You've got to scroll over. I would have made it smaller, but I was afraid the writing would be too small to read.
And, of course, shafter/shafted is just "so far." I know a few things are in the mail. Scratch that. I'm sure everyone's stuff is in the mail!
You know we don't do the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing here. Especially when it comes to SS.
Well.... ~blows raspberry~ I did *not* shaft anyone.
This is great.
I think it might be too early to call anyone Shaft, yet. I also wouldn't want anyone to feel shafted just yet.
Tis the season - post be wonky, yo.
oh geez. that's why it says "so far" right there under the highlighting.
And really, we've already provided a 3-day grace period. And some people haven't even been contacted via elfster, which is schitty.
Word. If anyone gets sensitive b/c they don't like being called out "prematurely", I would refer you to make that claim Dec 14th, 2009 up to 11:59pm ET.
yesterday was the day of everyone assuming they've been sharfted. today's drama is over a hand-drawn flow chart.
AND YOU WROTE IT IN BLACK INK! RACIST! What's wrong with BLUE ink?!?
Oh I know there are always late postings. I just don't think people should be getting upset or sensitive for being called out if they haven't even communicated to their recipient yet that it's going to be late.
Honestly, they should be expecting it.
I agree with Sposati. It should be common sense that A. the mail gets backed up the closer we get to Christmas, and B. how can we reveal on the 15th if people sent their gift in the 15th?
if anything, the people who have thus far been shafted should be the sensitive ones.
and stuff happens, packages get lost. as long as we're contacting each other, i think we're all fine.
my SS contacted me already, and i thought that was considerate and above my expectations. it's the little things, you know.