I have to just take this minute to vent to someone...
My MIL is driving me crazy!!! She is staying with us to help us take care of our toddler while we adjust to the new baby and I have to start by saying, she has been a big help, but it is so hard having someone in your home for a long period of time and the little things are annoying me!!!!
First, she is not the sharpest tool in the shed!!! This is a good example...I walked into the kitchen the other day and I looked in the toaster over and she had a piece of pizza in the toaster oven with a paper plate. Really...a paper plate in the toaster oven!!! I ran over there and pulled it out and luckily the oven hadn't heated up too much yet. And I turner to her and said, "you can't put a paper plate in the toaster over!" It took everything inside of me NOT to say "are you a complete idiot?" Next thing I know, she is going to put some foil in the microwave too!! I seriously don't know how my husband survived and is actually normal! She seriously lacks even the most common sense!!! (On a sidenote, I like to watch Jepordy and I am not good at it! I can answer like a few questions on each show. But when I asnwer a question, she thinks I am a genius!!! And she says I should go on the show. It just makes me laugh that she thinks I am so smart!!! I guess next to someone who puts paper plates in the toaster oven, I am a genius!)
But it is just the little things that bother me...the fact that she can't clean a dish. When she washes dishes, I have to double check my dishes before use for the next couple weeks. It is not uncommon to find a bunch that have food seriously caked on them. I mean, really dirty!!! And there are a lot of other little things! I could be here all day!
Anyway....she leaves on Sunday and then my mom comes for a little bit. My mom is a lot more managable!!! Though, it will be nice to have our house back to ourselves. But it is nice having the help with my 2 yr old daughter while I am feeding and taking care of the new baby.
Ok, thanks for letting me vent!!!
Re: Two more days...
That is tough. I love my family and DH's however spending long amounts of time can get tiresome. Good luck and congrats on the new baby!
Cole Alexander 6.9.10
At least it's only two more day's. I understand your position. I work with my MIL and thatis difficult at times. As great as our relationship is when she is in the office more than usual and then invites us over for dinner it can get sticky.
So good luck and congrats on your new little one.
I understand the position your in. My MIL was the same way with our son.
Good Luck!! And congrats on the new baby
Vent away! I completely understand how common sense sometimes doesn't come naturally to a person. So annoying. Just remember that she really does want to help and not annoy or aggravate you.
Congrats on your baby!