Today we are picking up a really nice armoire from a lady on Freecycle. I was lucky enough to respond first and got it - it's really nice, I'm talking Lane Bryant, solid wood, like new....for FREE! So late last night ask DH to check my email to make sure the lady hadn't written me back with more info. She had, and I THOUGHT he had taken care if it....reasonable, right?!? Well, I got up this morning and there are THREE emails from her, all of which were read last night, saying things like "please respond or I'll have to give it away to someone else." Did he see this and make a response or at least tell me to do it? Noooo......his excuse? "I didn't read that part."
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? One of the requests to respond was literally in the SAME sentence as the address, which I KNOW you C&P'd into mapquest! How do guys even function?!? Honestly!!
Sorry I just had to vent. I guess this is one of those differences between guys and girls we will never understand!!