After we finished moving, I took MIL, sFIL, Little Bro, and his girlfriend to lunch. Do you remember the episode w/ him being drunk, ditching his car in a snow drift, walking over a mile w/o his shoes, then getting severe frostbite?
Well, I guess the lasting effects were that the bottoms of his feet are perpetually slightly numb, and always cold to the touch.
The gf brought this up while we were eating, then said, "OMG!! When we're laying in bed, he loves to rub his cold feet all over me. THEY'RE SO COLD!! *giggle giggle giggle*"
Me: *blink*
MIL: *nervous laugh*
sFIL: *facepalm*
LittleBro: Yeah, she hates it when I put my cold feet on her stomach.
Oh, there's more.
We were talking about movies, and LB mentioned how much he loved the movie Stepbrothers. Especially the part w/ Will Ferrell naked at John C. Reilly's drum set.
LittleBro: Yeah, that scene where he's T-BAGGING the drums... that was AWESOME. *guffaw*
Gf: *giggle giggle* That was really funny!
MIL: Tea-bagging...?
Me: NEVERMIND. *kicks LB under the table*
I swear, the kid's got no inner dialogue and certainly doesn't think before he speaks. Or just doesn't care.
Re: Idjits.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.