This show is strengthening our marriage. H and I watch together, and last night we paused it at the "Tina had an affair with a married guy" part and talked for 2 hours about fidelity and why it was seemingly worse to the girls that Tina dated a cheater than that party girl cheated on her fiance twice.
Anyway, Angel is a *** stirrer, and she annoys the crap out of me. Every time there's a conflict with one of the girls in the house she's pulling strings in the background, and then acts all "well I used to really like so-and-so but now I think she's a total B." I think she and Adam are a cute couple, all emo-y together, but he is just not that into her and he lies about it. It's easy to say the kid isn't a big deal when the kid isn't in the picture yet, and also when you know that saying it is a big deal is your ticket off the show.
Rocky's poopy song was so. awesome. 32 pets?!
Also, I think Steve's giving party girl an unnecessarily hard time over her religion issues. Okay, she didn't approach it in a very sensitive manner, but religion can be a huge conflict in a relationship and I don't think it's wrong for her to be concerned about it from the get-go.
That's all I can think of right now.
Re: Tough Love?