We will be spending Christmas with my SIL. She has a boyfriend who we will probably at least see during our visit, but I don't know if he will be present during gift exchange. DH tried to ask and SIL just said that we would probably see him at some point while we are there but didn't clarify if he would be spending Christmas with us or if he is traveling a few hours to be with his familiy on Christmas. They are in a fairly serious relationship (I know they've talked marriage), so I think we should give him a gift. But...the boyfriend is moving in a month or so. SIL said that she "doesn't know how long they will last" in a long distance relationship." I don't know if she just said that because she is depressed about him moving or if they are actually planning to break it off when he moves.
So anyway, what should we give this guy? We could do some generic tie and gloves or something, but I was trying to think of something that we could give them to help with a long distance relationship - his & hers webcams? Any other ideas?
Re: Gift help, por favor
Crap...I Mean Crafts
eh, if SIL isn't planning on going thte distance, you don'tw anna push that.
A nice generic edible gift.
I just a friendly gal looking for options.