I'm looking for some beer or red wine recommendations for H's Christmas present.
I'm looking for higher end or craft beers and wines less than $20/bottle. I'm going to make a quick run to Total Wine tomorrow and make a few 6 packs or buy a few bottles for him.
In terms of beer, he likes it all - normally would drink something like Sam Adams (I get him the seasonal mixes), Yuengling, Shock Top, etc. He really likes trying all of the different Belgian beers as well.
For red wines, normally likes something like chambourcin, pinot noir, zinfindel, shiraz, merlot. Something with some spiciness is good, nothing too sweet. Something that would pair with a nice steak for an early steak and BJ day.
Re: beer and/or red wine recommendations?
FI is a fan of Peroni (beer)
I like Twisted wine, but it's kind of cheap...
We like Blue Moon beer, but I don't know how widespread the distribution is (it's local).
I also like Big House wines - they're around $10 a bottle, and they make a lovely spicy petite syrah that I can drink with almost anything.
We like Duvel and Chimay. I'm also a big fan of Delirium Tremens and Three Philosophers, but both of those are a little sweeter. Tremens has a bubblegum aftertaste, and Three Philosophers has a hint of lambic (cherry, I think, but it could be framboise).
I still can't tell the difference between good wine and bad wine, so I'm no help there.
Crap...I Mean Crafts
DH loves Victory beers. Local, not sure how widespread they are. Hop Devil, Golden Monkey and Whirwind are his favories. Arrogant Bastard Ale is good too. These all pack a little more of a hoppy punch, so if he wants to try something good and a little different, these would work.
I'm a huge fan of the fruit beers, anything Lindemans, but they are sweet.