Okay what are some movies that you have watched over and over and never get sick of. You know the ones where you're channel surfing and absolutely must stop and watch even though you've seen it a million times
Mine are:
Titanic (favorite movie! saw it inthe theater 4 times and know the lines backwards and forwards and sideways. That's the only DVD I will not let anyone borrow.)
Armageddon (love this movie, this is where I discovered Ben Affleck )
Clueless-R.I.P., Brittany Murphy
Breakfast Club (don't ever watch this with me, I will recite this movie word for word while watching it)
The Wedding Singer
Grease (saw Grease in the movie theater in 1978-before some of you were born-eesh!) and Grease 2.(love Grease 2).
Re: 12-22: Movies
Star Wars--never ever gets old
Princess Bride
Total Recall
Yeah...I'm a dork.
Dirty Dancing
Mean Girls
The Family Stone
Christmas Vacation (Chevy Chase)
American History X
I always stop and watch Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story this time of year. I also have a hard time turning away from Home Alone.
Non-seasonal movies: Notting Hill, My Best Friend's Wedding, Mean girls, really, just about ANY girly movie.
Oh yes! Christmas Vacation is a must see!
Love that movie. DH and I just watched it last night.
Aunt Bethany: "Grace? She died 30 yrs ago"
Uncle Louis: "The blessssing, they want you to say the Blessing"
Bethany: "I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag..."
Never seen any Star Wars movie. DH can't wrap his head around that one.
Notting Hill=
. Saw that in the movie theater and thought it was awful.
Mine are mostly the typical chick flicks...Pretty Woman, My Best Friend's Wedding, Clueless, Dirty Dancing, Forrest Gump (on last night!) and the Green Mile...that one is just a tear jerker!
As far as Christmas ones go...Elf and A Christmas Story
Home Alone
Gone With the Wind
Harry Potter (all of them!)
Father of the Bride
Mean Girls
Steel Magnolias
Married 05.24.08
Missed m/c discovered 07.25.12 at 8w5d- Always loving our Peanut
BFP #2 EDD 06.08.13
"For this child we prayed..." (1 Samuel 27)
So excited to meet Amelia Catherine!
I actually dislike most of Hugh Grant's movies.