"Well the funny thing is when I talked to him about it he told me the same. He reminded me that it isn't like he doesn't know I have pube hair that I shave off. To be honest, I kind of like the way it looks when I have woman hair there and I think he will too. I guess I was just worried about feeling loke I was letting myself go or being dirty. It's sad that the whole bald thing is talked about as if it is the only way to go. I think I am just going to do it! I am the only one with the issue. Your response was encouraging. Thank you. "
OP http://community.thenest.com/cs/ks/forums/thread/28134604.aspx
Re: another coughsnortchoke
~sigh~ I admit that I get waxed but I let it get pretty bushy before I go back. I go in about every 8 weeks.
It makes me sad when people are ashamed of what they have. You can have bush without being a yeti about it. Or go on out and rock the pube fro. Some guys like it.