<1000, of course - Dan's parents didn't do Santa because it was lying to their kids.
I've heard other people say this. First of all: it's Santa. It's not telling the kid that their goldfish wanted to go out to sea, or that if they make faces it'll freeze that way. It's a magic story, a fairy tale, something amazing that only happens at Christmas - and only for a little while. I think it's cruel to celebrate Christmas and not have Santa - and when you tell one 5-y-o that Santa's not real, guess what? He'll ruin it for all the other 5-y-olds.
Secondly: Lying to your kids is fun. Oh, I'm sure someone will tell me how I'm warping my child, but she's a cynic, like me, and I can't really put anything over on her. But it's fun to watch her suspicious little face when I tell her beans will grow in her ears or that jumping around after 7 wakes up the elves who live in the attic. If you're not lying to your kids, are you ever telling them stories? Believing their stories? Saving a space at the table for their imaginary friends? Plenty of play is "lying" - it's imaginary, just like Santa. Are you trying to tell your kids that imagination is wrong?
We do Santa. We do Santa with just a few presents, because that's how Santa works for our family. If we were wealthier, we'd still only give a few presents, because that's all she needs, and that's not the point of Christmas, anyway. I don't think the problem is with Santa - I think <1000's issue is with overconsumption, which is a valid concern. But blaming other families' spending habits on Santa, and then not celebrating Santa because of it - That's some effed up "logic", right there.
Re: But lying to your kid is fun.
I didn't believe in Santa as a child. Both parents tried to get me to, and I played along, because I thought we were playing make-believe, but Santa had Mom's hand writing, and used Mom's wrapping paper, and Mom's gift tags, and Mom's same pen.
I would totally let my kids believe in Santa. I think the idea behind it - the original idea - is neat, and it's a magic that should get to exist, if only for a few years.
Her problem is that she's 8 shades of crazy. She replaced her drug use with her addiction to stupid.
related story: I showed neice how to pinky swear. We made some promise and we "pinky swore" on it. I asked her if she knew what would happen if you broke a promise and she said no. I told her all of your hair falls out and that way, everyone knows you are a liar because you are bald and no one will trust you again, ever.
She is very vain, even at three - so you can imagine the response this elecited. Her eyebrows hit the roof!
That is the entire reason "Santa" never wrapped presents or put tags on the presents at my house. I could forge their handwriting before I stopped believing.