I had two. The first one was that I was in London and it was winter time. We went to Buckingham Palace and I was dressed in a white dress that was reminiscent of a Victorian girl. My hair was in ringlets. My mom kept spilling syrup all over me. Then we got in a car and drove around. There were animals everywhere, and they were all wearing funny hats. The giraffes had on bunny ears, the elephants had Santa hats. The animals weren't in cages either. You just got and petted them.
My next dream involved me giving birth. I was at the birth center, and I kept telling them that it wasn't really happening because it didn't hurt. But they kept telling me I was like 8 cm dilated and that I was definitely having the baby. I swore though that it just felt like I had cramps, and that there was no way I was having contractions. The weirdest part was that random people were coming into my room and setting up lawn chairs to watch. I was totally okay with this. Eventually I had the baby, and again...no pain. I'm really hoping the no pain part is true when I give birth. That would be awesome.
Re: I'm bored. A dream I had last night.
Good luck with that.
Currently Reading: Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes