i was looking forward to seeing my entire group of ILs tonight, but now that i know cracky BIL is going to be there, i'm not pleased at all. so i may go to see my family, and hook up with the ILs very late tonight. i should just tell DH we'll go to see my family first.
this damn cracky BIL ruins my time every time he is around, and he's so gaddamn obnoxious that the only way to escape his presence is to not be around whatsoever. he can't even remember my name, and thinks it's funny when he confuses me with new SIL. and if i stay home, i feel like i am only spiting myself by missing out on everything else going on.
and then i argued with DH about it, because he thinks i should just avoid this guy altogether so he doesn't bother me, and that he's crazy so it's not like no one else notices his behavior - but i am just annoyed that i personally do not deal with junkees, and this whole family just acts like if he has a few good days that everything is fine. it's not like i can dictate who my ILs get to invite to their home. pisses me off.
so that's my holiday rant. good times!
Re: i am here today, and work is slow.
Currently Reading: Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes
Currently Reading: Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes
fck the dumb sht.
i leave at 5pm today, i am hoping they let us go early. if not, it's not a big deal. i'll just sit around all day goofing off if necessary. i do have enough work to keep me busy today, though. i just don't want to do it. there are only 5 of us here today.
Today and all of the next week will be dead. I'll spend it effing around on the internet and drinking a shytload of coffee.
Currently Reading: Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes
Sorry you guys are at work. It's raining here, and I'm online checking to see if my mom's flight is going to be on time.
On Friday, DH's debit card was stolen from the mall where he has his part-time job. They bought over $860 worth of stuff, we just got the money back in our account today. Thankfully, the bank made sure that our rent check & car payment didn't bounce.
On Monday, DH's cell phone was stolen. It must have fallen out of his pocket- he was sitting on a bench outside of the mall Starbuck's. He realized it was gone halfway up the escalator. He came back and some guy said a woman with a baby grabbed it and ran away. Nice. It cost us $50 to have it replaced- luckily theft is covered by the insurance.
Then on Tuesday, we got a letter in the mail from Target Visa that a missing card was reported. Mine was still in my wallet, but DH's was gone. Apparently, it was stolen on Monday the 14th and they maxed it out. Yay for Target for reversing all the charges. The idiots didn't realize that you can use a Target Visa anywhere that Visa's accepted, not just Target. I'm guessing once they maxed out the card, they just ditched it and a nice person called in to say they found it.
All of the fradulent charges were made at the mall DH works at for his part-time job. There are some really great pick-pocketers at the mall or my husband is an idiot for not realizing that people are going in his wallet and taking things out without him noticing. I think I'm buying him a fanny pack and a tazer. You'd think the mall was in a ghetto area instead of a pretty rich area.