How was everybody's Christmas? Mine was strange.
I spent xmas day with FI and his family. We sat around, stuffed our faces, got on webcam and opened presents with his brother OOT, talked about the movies, hemmed and hawed, it didn't happen, played board games, and went home.
The next day I went to see my mom and got a soul drawing done with FI which was super cool (a gift from Mom) then went to Walmart and ran into my father. I talked to him for a bit, talked to my niece who is my 5-year-old doppleganger, cried a little because I won't get to see them grow up the way I want to, got the low-down on family drama (it's DRAMZ, y'all) and then went back to Mom's and had xmas.
The next day I went to Walgreens, where a nice homeless couple asked me to buy a necklace (I did) then went to my Dad's and hung out, feeling the major awkward vibe. Saw my brother, hugged him and apologized for his loss, hugged previously-mentioned niece and older brother, cried a little more that I won't get to see them grow up the way I want to, and came home.
How was y'alls christmas?
Re: Morning!
i showed my SIL how to use a pregnancy test. i don't think she's ever used an HPT even though she's had 2 kids before. she saw the two lines, and threw up. i guess everyone reacts differently.
christmas was actually really really good. and i hope SIL has a girl. regardless what it turns out to be, i am already planning the ladies luncheon shower i want to have for her with all the SILs.
that's it really. her 6 y.o.'s reaction to the news was hysterical. he didn't believe it and kept asking if she was kidding. then he asked how it happened, and i was all "that's a conversation for another day, kid."
It was mostly good, but a bit annoying at times. We spent the first half of the day at Mr. Arb's dad and step mom's house with his step-mom's family, followed by his mom's house with his brother's family. Every place turned into a big chaotic mess, and neither of us really enjoyed it.
After that we went to my aunt's house to see my mom's side of the family, which was pretty good aside from a few incident's with my uncle's drunk girlfriend, who after spending about 10 different holidays with us still can't remember where the bathroom is. My sister and I unknowingly gave each other the same gift - I gave her a Photobook of her son, and she gave us one of the wedding. My aunt has a great sense of humor and got Mr. Arb that shirt with the 3 wolves howling at the moon. He also received the Patron Saint of Bacon from my parents.
Day after Christmas we went to my sister's place to exchange gifts with my parents, and again, it was good, but annoying because my sister's husband was being a complete jackass. Mr. Arb was close to telling him off by the end of the day, especially after he started making cracks about my new last name.
The whole story of my sister and her husband is incredibly dramariffic, and I'll have to share it here sometime. I can also tell that I'm missing a back story with why you won't see your niece and nephew grow up the way you want to. But those will have to wait because I have to finish cleaning before my best friend gets here and we play Beatles Rock Band.
Christmas was awesome. Mostly. It was a lot of running around, and my roll-baking was a success, so that made me happy. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with 12 leftover rolls-of-rock.
We received lots of good gifts, mostly the iPod touch that we'll share, some running clothes for me, a couple of new cds and movies.
Also, doggy books, I love doggy books. And they might have pictures, which make them more awesome.