I went to breakfast with dad (also boss) on Saturday morning. It had snowed so mom wasn't there and neither was gma. So it was just dad and I. Now, get us in a room with other people and we're the loudest there. But with just us two, we're super quiet. It's kind of weird, but it works for us. Well he's dropping me off at my house and grabs an envelope from the console and says, "well, here's something from work just to say 'thank you'". I tried to ask him if he was sure, but he shoved the envelope into my face. Okaaay. I'll take it. I had to hold back from ripping that envelope open right there.
BONUS!!! I hadn't received a bonus last year, so I didn't expect one at all. And I was definitely thrilled with the extra $$$.
H also got his bonus on Saturday, which he didn't expect either. It was a $$$ win all around.
Re: The best part of Christmas
(and I love the 'loud peopl quiet moments"...it amuses me almost as much as watching really mellow people loose their tempers--which is always a big KABOOM)