first of all, THANK YOU for replying. you work with kids, so i was hoping you'd have an opinion.
(thank you everyone else also, because i needed a kickintheass to make that call)
second, i did end up talking to DH about it even though i promised i wouldn't, because it is his sister and he should know. he overheard me talking to MIL last night and i couldn't keep this secret. he was livid, but i asked him not to say anything to MIL or the kid until i had a chance to chew on it overnight and figure something out.
i found out about this last night, after the store closed, but believe me i would have picked the kid up from work if i heard what had happened earlier in the day.
all i know is, if something worse were to eventually happen, i couldn't live with myself for knowing and not acting to protect the kid.
i let MIL i spoke to the boss, and i also let her know that the kid may get mad, but DH also knows what happened.
Re: NOLA, on DH
You did the right thing. It's sad that her mother couldn't have done the same.
I'm not a get in your face kind of person, at all. However, when it comes to my family, kids or the underdog, I will go there.
Plus, every 16 year old isn't always comfortable or outspoken enough to speak up. I know I wasn't. That's why they have parents. Your MIL can't just bury her head in the sand.