All the kids, the kiddo, my nieces, and my nephew, had an awesome Christmas. They all received really great stuff and it was fun for all of us. My nieces crack me up. They're 4 and 5 and hysterically funny.
My a-hole BIL (who's married to DH's sister) seems to be a lot less a-holish. DH called him on his antics last year and he apologized. He actually talked to me and acted like I was there and breathing. It's a start. SIL seems much happier. She was pretty stressed last year.
It was a lot of running around, but there was a lot less stress this year.
DH bought me some nice stuff. A couple of scarves, a new purse, jewelry, a some VS PJ's. MIL bought me a spice rack and she bought a carpet cleaner for DH and I. I got a lot of Philosophy stuff, which is awesome. My sister bought me the PW Cookbook and I love it. My mom bought me the Good Housekeeping Cookbook, which we've used for years in our family.
The bad:
DH's uncle died on Christmas. He was comatose for about three weeks. He died from complications related to AIDS. I only met him once, at DH's grandma's funeral in August. He wasn't doing so well then. I feel so bad for FIL. It's the 4th family member to die in the past year and a half. His grandmother, cousin, mother, and now his brother passed away. DH and BIL took their dad to the airport on Sunday. His brother lived in San Fran and his other brother still lives there and DH's grandpa has been out there for a week or two as well. He was trying to make if there before his brother died. Sadly, that did not happen. :-/
The other 'bad' is on FB.
Re: Our Christmas was good and bad...